Tips for Doing Well in This Class
Here are some tips for doing well in this class. Although most of these
are straightforward, they are particularly relevant to a class such
as this one.
- Show up: Don't miss class or lab unless you have a valid
excuse (such as illness). And if you do miss class then check with
others to see what you have missed.
- Practice: This class is primarily a learn-by-doing class.
Expect to spend most of your CSci 1113 time in lab and on
the homework assignments working problems.
- Start the homework early: Most homework will be posted a
week before it is due. Usually when it is posted you will have
seen enough material to start at least some of the homework questions.
Starting early will give you enough time to think
about the more difficult questions, to ask questions during office
hours, and to resolve any unexpected difficulties.
- Come to office hours if you have questions: If you have any
questions on the homework, or are having trouble with it, please come
to any of the office hours.
- Do the reading: We will usually assume you've done the assigned
reading, and done it before class. Sometimes we'll use class time to
go over some particularly important and/or challenging parts of the
reading. Other times the class lecture will use the reading as a
starting point, but not re-explain it in detail.
- Get to know others in the class: Many people learn better
if they can discuss material in the class with others. Get to know
people in the class, form study groups, etc. Some of the assignments
in the class --- notably the labs --- are designed as group
assignments. Other such as the homework and exams are individual work;
however, even on these you are welcome and encouraged to do
preliminary studying in groups, but your work on the assignment and
exams must be yours alone. (See the class web site for more details on
- Develop your programming-related skills:
Successful computer programmers have a host of programming-related
skills. For example, they know how to
quickly and efficiently look up language features they don't know;
they can usually locate and correct program errors quickly;
they know how to test programs for common errors; etc.
Programming is not just "writing code." Instead, is often
revising, testing, re-revising, etc.
- Persist: Many students will find at least some of the
material in this class to be challenging.
Do the reading, ask questions as needed, and
practice doing problems.
- Try to apply this material to your major or to other
interests: Many of the skills learned in this class are
applicable to a wide variety of areas. Think about how what you are
learning in this class might be applicable to other classes you are
taking, or to other areas of your interest.