Start up your Common Lisp, and enter the following:
(load "aima.lisp")
(aima-load 'agents) ; loads the agents subsystem
(aima-load 'search) ; loads the search subsystem
(aima-compile 'agents) ; compiles the agents subsystem
(aima-compile 'search) ; compiles the search subsystem
(test 'search) ; tests the functions in the search subsystem
(test 'agents) ; tests the functions in the agents subsystem
When I did this part, using CLISP, I got a couple of error messages in the file
agents/environments/wumpus.lisp, since kill is a system defined macro
and should not be redefined. CLISP allows you to continue. If you
have trouble with it, you can change all the occurrences of kill to
something else.
I also got a warning about redefining agent-body, but the program
compiled fine.