Operating Systems

CSCI 5103   -   Fall 2018

Assignments & Exams


Topics Individual/Group Weight Handout Date Due Date

Basic Concepts

Individual 6% Sept 6 Sept 17

Process/Thread mangement and CPU Scheduling

Individual 6% Sept 18 October 1
3 Concurrent Programming Individual 8% October 2 October 14
4 Concurrent Programming  in C using POSIX Thread Library  (Programming assignment) Group of Two 6%  October 16  October 29
5  Virtual Memory Management Individual 6% October 30 November 6
 6 Virtual Machines, System Deadlocks  Individual 6% November 6 November 13
7 Linux Device Driver Programming (Programming assignment) Group of two 6% November 13   November 29
 8 File Systems, Security, and Protection Individual 6% November 29  December 12

Exams:  (Bring your U Photo ID to All Exams)


Midterm 1

Closed Book/Notes

October 18 (in-class)
Midterm 2

Closed Book/Notes

November 15 (in-class)

Final Exam

Closed Book/Notes


December 18 Tuesday (8:00 - 10:00 am)

Sample Exam and Questions

Sample Second Midterm Exam

Sample Final  Exam (Fall 2016)

Assignment Guidelines:

General Guidelines
  • All assignments will be tested on CSELabsr Linux machines, using the gcc compiler when appropriate, unless otherwise stated.
  • Assignments must be submitted electronically, via submit, by midnight on the due date.
  • When using the submit utility, the name of the assignment is of the form HW#, where you substitute the actual assignment number for the # (e.g., the name of the first assignment on submit will be HW1)
  • All assignment must have the following header in the main file:

/* CSci5103 Spring 2018
* Assignment# 1
* name: <full name 1>, <full name 2 (optional)>
* student id: <id1>, <id2 (optional)>
* x500 id: <id1>, <id2 (optional)>
* CSELABS machine: <machine you tested on eg: xyz.cselabs.umn.edu>


Late Assignments
Penalty on Late Assignments:
  • 1 day late submission will incur 10% deduction of points earned.
  • 2 days late submission will incur 25% deduction of points earned.
  • 3 days late submission will incur 50% deduction of points earned.

Grace Period for Late Assignment Submission
  •  For the duration of the course, you are given a total of five grace days which you can use to submit assignments past the due date for credit, without incurring late penalty.

  • You may use at most three grace days for an assignment unless noted otherwise. 

  • You cannot  submit an assignment three days past the due date for credit.

  • It is important that you keep track of your remaining grace days so you can submit late assignments for credit. If you are unsure of how many grace days you have left, contact the TA through email (preferable) or office hours.

  • Should you have an extenuating circumstance that requires more than three days beyond the due date or you do not have sufficient grace days left, contact the instructor and TA as soon as possible.

  • For Group Assignments
  • The number of grace days available to students who decide to work in groups for group assignments is the minimum number of available grace days between group members.   For example, if Alice and Bob are working together where Alice has three remaining grace days and Bob has one, then collectively, Alice and Bob can only use one grace day. 

  • The number of grace days used by a group will be deducted from the remaining grace days from each group member. Using the previous example, if Alice and Bob use their one grace day, Alice would be left with two grace days and Bob with zero. This is to prevent disputes between group members on whose grace days to use and to ensure a fair use of grace days to students who choose to work individually on group based assignments.

Group Assignments Guidelines
  • All group assignments must be completed by a team of no more than two students. Seeking help from others outside of your team on assignments is considered scholastic misconduct.  Please refer to the scholastic misconduct policies described on the grading policy page and also stated below. 

Cheating and Scholastic Dishonesty:


You must be fully cognizant of the following policies regarding academic integrity and scholastic dishonesty.

All students are expected to abide by the "Student Conduct Code".See
Board of Regents Student Conduct Code 
Please be cognizant of the following documents related to policies on scholastic dishonesty.

All cases will be reported to the Office for Student Conduct and Academic Integrity (OSCAI).
Please see the following important documents related to academic integrity and scholastic dishonesty:

You are expected to do your own academic work and cite sources as necessary. Failing to do so is scholastic dishonesty. Scholastic dishonesty means plagiarizing; cheating on assignments or examinations; engaging in unauthorized collaboration on academic work; taking, acquiring, or using test materials without faculty permission; submitting false or incomplete records of academic achievement; acting alone or in cooperation with another to falsify records or to obtain dishonestly grades, honors, awards, or professional endorsement; altering, forging, or misusing a University academic record; or fabricating or falsifying data, research procedures, or data analysis. (Student Conduct Code: http://regents.umn.edu/sites/default/files/policies/Student_Conduct_Code.pdf) If it is determined that a student has cheated, he or she may be given an "F" or an "N" for the course, and may face additional sanctions from the University. For additional information, please see: http://policy.umn.edu/Policies/Education/Education/INSTRUCTORRESP.html

Cheating and other forms of scholastic dishonesty will not be tolerated.  Such activities include:

  • Consulting and seeking help from others (students or non-students) on assignments and exams when asked to do an assignment problem individually.

  • Consulting and seeking help from others not in your group (students or non-students) on assignments when asked to do an assignment problem in a designated group.

  • Cheating on exams. Consulting others or using any material which is not permitted on the exam.

  • Copying material from some source, such as the Internet or books, and presenting it as you own solution or design when asked to solve a problem yourself.

  • Attempt to change an already graded assignment and asking for re-grading of that material.

  • Attempts to fabricate the submission date/time of a late assignment to make it appear like an on-time submission.

  • Stealing some other student's solution or program.

  • Submitting solutions prepared by the TAs and the instructors during the prior years of the course offering.

  • Obtaining information through the Internet and submitting it as your own work on an assignment.

  • Purchasing a solution for your assignment from someone.

  • All group programming assignments must be done together and each group member must be fully involved in all aspects of programming.

  • You are responsible for protecting your assignment files, program code, and data on your personal computer or account.

  • Giving access to your personal computer or account to another student thereby enabling the student to access to your assignment and work.

  • Helping or abetting another student in cheating or scholastic misconduct.

You must be fully cognizant of the CSE Lab Acceptable Use Policy.  All CSE public labs users should be familiar with the full content of this document. However, in the interests of brevity, here are the basic ideas:

  • Do not use your account for illegal, unethical, or unauthorized purposes.
  • Protect your data with the correct file permissions, and respect others' privacy.
  • Do not share your account and passwords with anybody
  • Contact the system administrators if you have questions, comments, or concerns about CSE's public computing labs.
  • Only use resources that have been deliberately allocated to you, i.e., do not try to circumvent security or administrative measures on the systems.
  • Become familiar with the system, and avail yourself of all the resources for which you have authorization.

Any case of cheating or scholastic misconduct may result in an F GRADE . Additionally, the matter would be forwarded to the Office for Student Conduct and Aacdemic Integrity.