University of Minnesota
Security and Privacy in Computing

Readings on: Guest presenter topics

Main reading for 4/12:
Andrea Biondo, Mauro Conti, and Daniele Lain. “Back To The Epilogue: Evading Control Flow Guard via Unaligned Targets.” In Network and Distributed Systems Security Symposium (NDSS), San Diego, CA, USA, February 2018.

Main reading for 4/19:
Dmitry Evtyushkin, Ryan Riley, Nael Abu-Ghazaleh, and Dmitry Ponomarev. “BranchScope: A New Side-Channel Attack on Directional Branch Predictor.” In Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), pages 693–707, Williamsburg, VA, USA, March 2018.

Main reading for 5/1:
Erick Bauman, Zhiqiang Lin, and Kevin Hamlen. “Superset Disassembly: Statically Rewriting x86 Binaries Without Heuristics.” In Network and Distributed Systems Security Symposium (NDSS), San Diego, CA, USA, February 2018.