CSci 4511 - Writing 3
Writing 1 -- due Thursday February 14
This writing will be graded out of 10 points.
This writing is to help you get familiar with some features of latex
you will need for your project report and to reflect on a potential
use of technology. Read this short science fiction story:
Here-and-Now by Ken Liu.
Write aproximatively 500 words (using Latex) on what you think
about the science
fiction story. Consider the following questions:
- Do you think the App used in the story could be created
using our current technology?
- If the app described in the paper was available, would you
use it? Why (or why not)?
- Do you see any ethical issue in using it? if yes, list a few.
If not explain why not.
In this writing you need to include at least one table and one figure.
- For tables, I suggest you look at
You can use a table to show anything you like.
Something like this
\begin{tabular}{l | l}
Request & Time limit & Bounty\\ \hline
I need to know what's in the Manager's Special bin at the Food Basket on
Tremaine Road in Rockton.
Time Limit: 20 minutes.
Bounty: $1.00.
Read related work & April 6 \\
... & ... \\ \hline
- For figures, look at, which
explains how to use the package graphicx. It is not the only package
for graphics, but it is widely used and very simple.
You can include figures in different
formats, including .png and .jpeg. Please include a
caption and figure number for your figure. Look at for how
to do it.
For example, if your figure is in the file mypicture.eps:
\caption{\label{mypict} This is a sample picture}
Grading criteria:
50% for the document organization and content,
20% for English correctness,
10% for using Latex and bibtex,
10% for including at least one figure,
10% for including at least one table.
Copyright: © 2019 by the Regents of the University
of Minnesota
Department of Computer Science and
Engineering. All rights reserved.
Comments to: Maria Gini
Changes and corrections are in red.