Various Options For Computer Use in CSci 1113
Below are operating system specific guides on how to efficiently remote connect into a lab machine (called "SSH"ing):
- Windows
- Mac.
If you are having issues "Executing" the program from geany, Go to "Preferences" -> "Tools" -> Change "Terminal" option to: xterm -e "/bin/sh %c". (This should just be chaning the first word from "x-terminal-emulator" to "xterm".)
Although less reliable, you can connect through any browser (without downloading any software) here:
After logging in, click the "+" for "New Session" and when asked for a "command", just click the mouse picture and it will auto-fill in the appropriate command.
If the command is not auto-filling, you can manually enter either "geany" or "startxfce4" (without quotes).
If you prefer to install a compiler for C++ on your own machine, I'd recommend:
- Windows
Download and use Code::Blocks. After following the link above, choose the "binaries" option, then make sure to download the one with "mingw-setup".
You will need to make a new "project" for each program (choose "Console application" type of project and make sure the language is set to "C++").
- Mac
Get "Xcode" from the App store. Code::Blocks is also available for Mac (see above).
In both of these, you will want to create "New Projects" for each problem you do. In XCode select the "Command line" (check the different tabs) project type and make sure the language is set to "C++" and not something like "Objective-C" or "Swift".
Here is more general information. For the individual homework you will need to construct, run, debug,
and revise C++ programs. The Keller Hall 1-260 lab room
are usually used for labs, and so are usually not available during
non-lab hours. However, here are three options for doing C++
programming. The lab TAs might be able to give you more information
about these options.
- Use one of the Linux machines in a CSE lab on campus.
This is the preferred option since these machines are set up the
same as the lab machines. In particular, there
are a large number of Linux machines in the Keller 4-250 lab.
This lab is open most of the time (although it does get heavy use
at certain times).
These machines are set up the same as the 1-260 lab machines, so
running C++ on these machines should be the same as running it on
the lab machines. A list of
times labs are available is
- On your personal computer, 'ssh' into a CSE Lab machine. To do
this you either need to already have the appropriate connection
software on your personal computer, or need to download it.
For more information about ssh see the
CSElabs office access
help page.
What SSH does is that it allows you to connect to a CSE Labs
machine from your own computer, making it as if you were
actually in front of a Keller Hall computer terminal.
If you have ssh installed you should be able to
open a terminal window and ssh to one of the
CSElabs Linux machines.
- Download and install the C++ compiler on your personal computer.
You are welcome to do this if you are comfortable downloading and installing
software. However,
if you develop and run your programs on your personal computer
you still need to ensure they run on the Linux machines in the cselabs.
Note there are a few (often subtle) differences between different
C++ compilers, so even if your program runs on your machine it might
not run on the cselab machines. If you develop your code on your
own machine make sure to test it on a cselab Linux machine
before submitting it.