Write is a short proposal for your project and a report on
any initial work you have done.
The report should be at least around 500 words and should include:
- team members. If two students work together on the same
project you should submit a single paper with both names, indicating
which parts each one wrote. A project with more than one author is
expected to be longer to reflect the larger effort, and so the
writing should also be longer.
- a brief description of the problem you intend to address and
why it is interesting,
- the approach you will take to solve it,
- the software you'll need to write or to use,
- preliminary results (if any),
- how you will evaluate your solution,
- a timeframe for the work to be done,
- bibliographic references to a few relevant papers (2 or 3).
Grading criteria:
60% for content (covers all the required parts, addresses
relevant issues),
30% for writing style (good flow of ideas, clarity of writing,
grammatical correctness and no spelling errors),
10% for using latex and bibtex.
For suggestions on how to write a project proposal for a class, you can look,
for instance, at
How to write a proposal
or at
Undergraduate Research Project Proposal Guidelines.
Copyright: © 2020 by the Regents of the University
of Minnesota
Department of Computer Science and
Engineering. All rights reserved.
Comments to: Maria Gini
Changes and corrections are in red.
Last updated 03/08/2020 01:01:12