University of Minnesota
CSci 5302 - Analysis of Numerical Algorithms

CSci 5302 Spring 2020

Announcements (most recent first)

  • 05/04/20: See list of topics for last enhanced homework.

  • 04/01/20: See Announcements in Canvas regarding (a) Enhanced Homework due next Tuesday (April 7), (b) chance to change to S/N, (c) update on office hours. I also posted excerpts of slides and whiteboard screenshots for some recent lectures in the Lecture Notes folder.

  • 03/20/20: My office hours on Tuesday may be moved because of an upgrade on my internet service that day.

  • 03/17/20: Update on the organization of the "on-line" delivery of course materials:
    • UNITE will not be recording any further lectures. All lectures will be recorded separately (using zoom) and posted to a separate "Lecture Videos" module on the canvas website. All previous lectures should still be available.
    • Since this is the first time I try to post videos, there may be issues. If you have trouble accessing the videos, please let me know and I can find an alternate delivery method.
    • The lecture for March 18th has been recorded and posted to Canvas. It is split into 6 parts of 6 to 10 minutes each.
    • Quiz 6 has been posted, based on the March 18th lecture just posted. Please submit your answers by Thursday through Canvas.
    • I have added office hours TTh 10-11am, via zoom (see "" for details).

  • 03/13/20: As you probably know, the U has implemented special plans to safegaurd against the coronavirus. This means there is no class on Monday 3/16 and all subsequent classes will be only via remote electronic access. You will be given immediate access to the UNITE videos of the lectures by visiting and clicking on "LOG IN to UNITE Media Portal". More details on other aspects of the class will be posted here by Tuesday 3/17.

  • 02/20/20: Reminder: Midterm on Monday Feb 24. An sample old midterm was posted at mid1-16s-practice.pdf, and a list of topics to be covered is listed in Readings.txt. The exam itself is open book/notes, as long as the material is on paper. No calculators or electronic devices allowed.

  • 02/13/20: Quizzes 2, 3, 4 have been posted to Handouts. If you have not submitted these already, either on paper in class or electronically, please submit electronically by Friday 2/14/20 for full credit.

  • 02/04/20: Homework 2 has been updated (fix error, extend due date).

  • 01/31/20: Instructor office hours next week: Mon 2/3 2pm and Wed 2/5 10am. No TA office hours on Tue 2/11.

  • 01/29/20: Homework 2 due Mon Feb 10, has been posted.

  • 01/14/20: Important Announcements for the whole class will appear here, most recent first.