Online discussion using Piazza
Brief Course Description
The penetration of computational artifacts into almost every
aspect of modern society has placed a high premium on building
software that is secure, free of bugs and generally reliable. Computer
Science has responded to this challenge by developing techniques for
managing projects, structuring programming teams and organizing
libraries so as to enhance the reliability of the resulting software,
by designing programming languages that possess strong formal
properties and provide high degrees of abstraction, and by
developing mathematical techniques for specifying and reasoning about
properties of software and tools for applying these techniques in
practical ways.
This course concerns the last of these lines of development. In particular, it will explore five interrelated conceptual threads related to the task of formally establishing properties of software:
Course Prerequisites
The course is appropriate for graduate and
advanced undergraduate students in Computer Science
interested in logic and programming languages. A previous course on
these topics would be helpful, a good example of such a
course being CSci 5106, but this is not essential. An
indispensible quantity, though, is mathematical maturity: the student
must be able to differentiate between a correct formal argument and an
incomplete or incorrect one, they should know what induction is and she
should be able to construct proofs of some complexity on their own.
In determining grades for CSci 5980, I will assign 10% weight to
attendance and participation and 90% to the homeworks. For CSci
8980, class attendance and participation will carry 10% weight,
homeworks will count for 60% and the independent work will count for
There are specific requirements and deadlines for the projects for the
CSci 8980 version. You must discuss with me a possible topic by Feb
14, you should provide me about a one page description of what you
plan to do for the project by March 13, you should be ready for
a presentation in class on or after April 8, and the report
should be turned in by April 29.
This being a topics course, I am assuming that
everyone who has registered for it is doing so out of interest and a
genuine desire to learn the material to be covered. I would therefore
like to downplay the evaluative nature of the course and to focus on
the more productive aspect of discovering new and interesting things
together. Consequently, in assessing homeworks, I would be looking
more to determine the effort and the level of intellectual involvement
rather than to grade you for correctness. Note that you can test your
solutions to problems from the book before turning them in, so
"correctness" in the literal sense will already be known in most
cases. This will be a little different for problems that I assign that
do not appear in the text, but, even here, Coq will tell you if you
have gotten a solution or not. The homeworks should also stimulate
discussions and we can share information that helps us learn and to
understand how to come up with more elegant solutions than the ones we
might think of ourselves; the main requirement is that you must
eventually do the work you turn in on your own, possibly after
discussions, and you must not simply copy stuff from one of your
classmates or from the web. For the projects for the CSci 8980 version,
I will provide feedback on the presentations and writeups and may even
"grade" them. However, for the purpose of determining a letter grade
for the course, what I
will be looking at is the involvement in the topic and the effort put
into learning the material and organizing your thoughts to produce a
cogent presentation and writeup.
To summarize my sentiments at the start of the semester, I am hoping
that everyone will do the required work with application and
enthusiasm, that we will have a fun semester and that I will not have
to make distinctions between students when assigning a letter
grade. The requirements and how I will be determing fulfillment are
important to state so that you know what is expected of you during the
One final, important point. As I have indicated above, regular class
attendance is required. If you have to miss a class, make sure
to discuss this with me beforehand: absence is quite
noticeable in a small class. Also, while you make miss a regular
meeting based on circumstances, attendance during student
presentations is mandatory; this is true for both the CSci
5980 and 8980 versions. Make sure to schedule any events that
could potentially conflict with class attendance for before April
8 for this reason.
There are perhaps two main things to stress in for this class. First,
while discussions about assigned work and looking up material on the
web is perfectly fine, any work that you turn in must represent your
own understanding and effort; specifically, you must not have
copied stuff from a colleague or what you have found on the web and
you must be able to explain what you have done if you are
asked. Second, you must include attributions in what you write or turn
in if you have gotten substantial help from some other source. Not
doing so is tantamount to trying to cheat and it is also makes you
guilty of plagiarism, a particularly serious crime in academic
Required Work and Grading
First, there are a core set of requirements for the CSci 5980 and the
CSci 8980 versions of the course:
For CSci 8980, there is an additional requirement. Each student
will have to take on some independent work, write a report on it
and present the work in class. This work could be that of looking
further in the six volume book, understanding the material there
and demonstrating this understanding through the writeup and class
presentation. It could also be that of picking up on a topic
related to Coq (for example, the lambda calculus that Coq is based
on), reading some papers on it and then demonstrating this
understanding through a report and presentation.
Policies and Related Information
Academic Honesty
I am going to assume that students in this class are familiar with the
notion of academic honesty and are also aware what is expected of them
in this regard. The department has a default set of policies related
to this that you will find here.
Makeup Work for Legitimate Absences
Students will not be penalized for absence during the semester due to
unavoidable or legitimate circumstances. Such circumstances include
verified illness, participation in intercollegiate athletic events,
subpoenas, jury duty, military service, bereavement, and religious
observances. For information on what constitutes a legitimate absence
and the attendant policies, please check out the
Administrative Policy on Makeup Work for Legitimate Absences
Links to Online Resources
Links to some of the resources that might be useful during the term: