CSCI 5161: Introduction to Compilers
Spring 2025, University of Minnesota
Some Comments on Coding Standards and Style
The quality of code and its readability are not dispensible aspects
in this course. We will assign a substantial part of the credit to
these attribute. What is more, readability and
clarity will enable Chase and me to find mistakes in the code
it and therefore to give you useful input towards getting your
programs to work. This would allow us to give you significant credit
for a program that is non-functional but could be working with a few
small changes. Note also that the code you write in this course will
grow gradually through the term and our finding bugs in earlier
parts could help you avoid wasting time later on when such bugs
could cause other more difficult parts to break unexpectedly. Life
is too short for anyone to be wasting time on inscrutable
code. You should not be wanting to do this and you
should not expect me or Chase to do this either.
Here are some simple things to bear in mind about your programs; this
is not an exhaustive list. There will be some comments specifically
about ML style in the lectures and, in any case, we are expecting that
you have had lessons before this course on what does and does not
constitute good code.
- Line length: Pick a reasonable maximum line length and
stick to it. A yardstick to use: your line length should be
such that no line scrolls over when we print out the code. A
line length that will ensure this is 80 characters; this is what I
typically use for my programs. To guarantee that
your code never violates this limit, you might set your editor such
that it automatically inserts a line break whenever the number of
characters on a line reaches this limit.
- Indentation: Indentation is an extremely important means
for conveying information about structure when code is spread over
several lines. Determine a logical scheme up-front and always
adhere to it when you write your code. For example, when the
arguments of a function do not
all fit onto the same line as the function name, place them each on
separate lines and align them on the left. Similarly, align the
different parts of an if-then-else expression and indent nested ones
so that the nesting structure is clear from the first glance. Be
careful about how you indent because too much white space on the
page can also be distracting and thereby take away from
readability. If you are new to programming in a Standard ML
related language, look on the web for indentation suggestions. If
you are using emacs, then the sml mode will also help you make
sensible decisions.
- Make indentation independent of environment: Indent in a
way that shows up uniformly no matter what the
environment. Avoid using tabs because these are notoriously
non-uniform: if your environment uses size 2 tabs and ours uses
size 8, your code will not be very readable.
- Comments: Comments are an extremely important means for
communicating information about the structure of your code. Note,
however, that you have to pay careful attention to what you write
and also how much for comments to be really useful. Verbose
comments, describing obvious aspects or explaining mechanical issues
rather than structural ones, often hurt rather than help. A good
yardstick to use: every significant function should have a succinct
description of what it does, and not how it does it,
unless the how is very complicated. Note also that these comments
are not expected to be private messages to yourself, they are meant
to document the program and help others to understand it. A gauge:
if you think you might not be able to understand the comment
yourself ten years from when you wrote it, it probably is useless
and even harmful.
- Identify the type of the function at the start of the comment
associated with it:
This is perhaps the most useful kind of comment for your
reader. Actually, it is perhaps also extremely helpful to the
programmer to write down the type of the function before they
start writing the code itself. This helps clearly conceptualize
what the function should be doing and matching this with the type
SML infers for the function helps to confirm if one has actually
gotten the definition right.
- Function length: Do not let functions run on and on. If a
function you begin working on seems to be getting too long, think of
breaking it up into smaller functional units with clearly defined
purposes. There is, of course, no hard and fast rule about how long
to make a function and in ML the unit to look at often may be the
length of a particular clause in the definition rather than the
length of the full collection of clauses. However, if you think
consciously about this issue when you are writing your program, it
should be clear to you when you are trying to put more
functionality into one definition than can
be comprehended easily in one go and also when you are making the
definition physically too long to be read comfortably.
- Learn about and use library functions: The Standard ML
standard library provides you with implementations of many data
structures and functions that work on these. For example, it has a
large collection of higher-order functions like, List.fold,
and their ilk that can be quite useful in compiler writing. Learn
about these functions and try to use them where possible. This way,
you will be using shared idioms, you will shorten your code and you
will not need to re-invent the wheel, something that has the
potential of introducing unnecessary errors since the re-invention
may not quite work. Browse the standard library early and
independently of the code you need to write so that you have
information about what is and is not available when you start
thinking about your own program.
An important point to remember as you work on the compiler: writing
good code to solve complicated problems is an activity that has a
mathematical character and, like any good mathematics, needs you to
think about structure carefully. Resist the temptation to start
slapping down code with the idea that you will figure out later how to get
things to fit together and actually work. Leave this bizarre style
and its advocacy to people who do not really understand what it takes
to write good programs.
Page maintained by ngopalan atsign umn dot edu and joh13266 atsign umn
dot edu. Last updated on Jan 20, 2025.
The views and opinions expressed in this page are strictly those of the page author(s). The contents of this page have not been reviewed or approved by the University of Minnesota.