C S C I 5 3 0 4

Matlab Diaries
Help with matlab and octave
Matlab scripts or diaries for demos seen in class,
or data/ scripts (for HWs):
Diary of demos shown on Dec. 03. Here are the scripts/data used:
Diary of demos shown on Nov. 19. Here are the scripts/data used:
TDmat.mat Data for last question of HW5.
Diary of demos shown on Nov. 7. This uses the scripts:
- hoQR.m - Not provided [done in class and part of HW5]
- hoApp.m Apply Householder transform.
- hoLS.m Solve Least-squares problem
with Householder transform.
- demoLS.m Example with least-squares problem
using Householder [trigonometric interpolation of temperatures in
Fairbanks Aalaska.]
- temps Tempature data.
- house.m provided earlier
- house1.m provided earlier
Diary of demos shown on Nov. 5. This uses the scripts:
Diary of demos shown on Oct. 31. This uses the script:
Hald.m Script to generate data for Question 5 of HW4.
hw4Dat.mat Data for Question 6 of HW4.
(command: load('hw4Dat'))
You will also need the
cgsa.m classical Gram Schmidt and
mgsa.m modified Gram Schmidt scripts.
Diary of demos shown on Oct. 29. This uses the script:
Diary of demos shown on Oct. 22. This uses the script:
Diary of demos shown on Oct. 17. This uses the script:
cholR.m and
cholC.m and
Diary of demos shown on Oct. 15.
Diary of demos shown on Oct. 10.
Diary of demos shown on Oct. 8.
Diary of demos shown on Oct. 3. The following scripts were used and shown:
- xplSys.m script to set up an example system
- gaussj.m Gauss-Jordan Elimination script.
- gaussp.m Gaussian Elimination script with partial pivoting.
Diary of demos shown on Oct. 1. This uses
- xplSys.m script to set up an example system
- gauss.m Gaussian Elimination script.
- Needed for HW2:
gauss.m Gaussian Elimination script.
- Scripts shown on Sept. 26:
- backsolv0.m Basic algorithm for solving
- backsolv0.m Basic algorithm for solving
triangular system.
- backsolv.m More consise version of the same algorithm as above.
- backsolv_c.m column version
(discussed but not shown in class).
Diary of the demo seen in the lecture of Sep. 12.
Diary of the demo seen in the lecture of Sep. 10.