C S C I 5 3 0 4

Matlab Diaries
Help with matlab and octave
Matlab scripts or diaries for demos seen in class,
or data/ scripts (for HWs):
Diary of demos shown on Nov. 25. You will need:
clwn1.mat data file for the image of
Question~1 of HW6.
Diary of demos shown on Nov. 18. You will need:
- irDat.m script that sets up the matrix.
Diary of demos shown on Nov. 13. Here are the scripts/data used:
Diary of demos shown on Nov. 11.
Diary of demos shown on Nov. 04. Scripts shown / used:
Diary of demos shown on Oct. 30. Scripts shown / used:
- cgsa.m The classical Gram-Schmidt algorithm
- mgsa.m The modified Gram-Schmidt algorithm
- ExBj.m An example 4x4 matrix for testing Gram-Schmidt algorithms
- Script/ data you will need for HW4.
- Hald.m The Hald cement data. [for Question 2]
- cholR.m The row Cholesky factorization
- dat4QR a data set [matrix of size 10x4] for testing verious QR factorizations in Question 3
- datHW4seas seasonal farm employment data. [for question 5]
Diary of demos shown on Oct. 16.
Diary of demos shown on Oct. 14.
Diary of demos shown on Oct. 07.
Diary of demos shown on Oct. 02.
Here are the scripts/data used (Plus other script (s) shown in class).
Diary of demos shown on Sep. 25 (Plus other scripts shown in previous lectures).
Here are the scripts/data used:
- backsolv0.m Simple version
of triangular solution function
- backsolv.m simplified row-version
of triangular solution function
- backsolv_c.m
Column version of triangular solution function
- gauss.m Gaussian elimination
- xplSys.m script to set-up an example.