CSCI 2041


Reasoning about programs:


Induction on nat

∀ n1 : nat, ∀n2 : nat, to_int (mul_nat n1 n2) ≡ (to_int n1) * (to_int n2)

Base Case n1 = Zero:

∀n2, to_int (mul_nat Zero n2) ≡ to_int Zero ≡ 0 ≡ (to_int Zero) * (to_int n2)

Inductive Case:

to_int (mul_nat (Succ n) n2)
  ≡ to_int (plus_nat n2 (mul_nat n n2)) (* eval mul_nat *)
  ≡ (to_int n2) + (to_int (mul_nat n n2))  (* plus_nat theorem *)
  ≡ (to_int n2) + (to_int n) * (to_int n2) (* IH *)
  ≡ (1 + (to_int n)) * (to_int n2) (* distributive property *)
  ≡ (to_int (Succ n)) * (to_int n2) (* reverse eval to_int *)

Generalized Induction

For any inductive type of the form:

type t = C₀ of b (* b is some other type not referring to t *)
| C₁ of b₁*t

The principle of induction for type t is:
For all x : t, P(x) if:

  • v : b, P(C₀ v), and
  • x : t, v : b₁, P(x) ⇒ P(C₁(v,x))


  • nat: ∀ n : nat, P(n) if P(Zero) and ∀ m, P(m) ⇒ P(Succ m)
  • 'a list: ∀ ℓ : 'a list, P(ℓ) if
    P([]) and ∀ x : 'a, ∀ ℓ : 'a list, P(ℓ) ⇒ P(x::ℓ)
let rec sum lst = match lst with
| [] -> 0
| n::ls -> n + (sum ls)

Claim: ∀ ℓ : int list, (sum ℓ) ≡ ∑ii

Base Case: (sum []) ≡ 0, ∑i []i = 0.

Inductive case: let ℓ' = x::ℓ, then

(sum x::ℓ)x + (sum ℓ)
          x + ∑ii
           ≡ ∑i ℓ’i.

Code specifications

To avoid doubt about “properties of lists” we can state properties using code:

let rec append l1 l2 = match l1 with
| [] -> l2
| h::t -> h::(append t l2)

let rec sum = function [] -> 0
| h::t -> h + (sum t)

Claim:ℓ₁ : int list:

ℓ₂ : int list,

sum (append ℓ₁ ℓ₂) ≡ (sum ℓ₁) + (sum ℓ₂)

Base Case: ℓ₁ = [].

Inductive Case: Need to show that:

sum (append ℓ₁ ℓ₂) ≡ (sum ℓ₁) + (sum ℓ₂) ⇒
  sum (append (x::ℓ₁) ℓ₂) ≡ (sum (x::ℓ₁)) + (sum ℓ₂)

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