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Matlab Diaries and Data
Help with matlab and octave
Matlab/octave scripts or diaries for demos seen in class,
or data/ scripts (for HWs):
Apr22, Apr24
and Apr29
Diary of demos shown on Apr. 22, 24, and 29.
Here are the related scripts
Diary of demos shown on Apr. 10
You will need the following scripts.
- testProj2.m Test driver for a few methods
- fom.m full orthogonalization method
- mr.m mr script
- sorR.m sor
- testMeshPart.m
This is the driver I will use for testing your RSB1.m script in HW2.
Make sure this works for your problem.
Test driver demonstrated on Apr. 8th.
This requires the following scripts:
Diary of demos shown on Mar. 27
You will need the
sorRelax.m script.
Diary of demos shown on Mar. 25
You will need the following data and script:
- Scripts and data you will need for HW2:
Diary of demos shown on Mar. 13
You will need the following data and script:
Diary of demos shown on Mar. 06
You will need the following data and script:
- A8.8 matrix from page 8.8 of lecture notes
- symb.m symbolic factorization .
JKI1.m Script needed for Question~5 of HW1.
You will also need
fd3d.m for Question~5-b. The fd3d.m script calls
Diary of demos shown on Mar. 04
You will need the following data and scripts:
- can_256.mat matrix from Harwell-Boeing
- cmk1.m Standard Cuthill-McKee ordering
- bfs.m Standard Breadth-First traversal
Diary of demos shown on Feb. 27
You will need
the data file exP
Diary of demos shown on Feb. 20
You will need the scripts
Diary of demos shown on Feb. 18
You will need
the script mark.m
Diary of demos shown on Feb. 13.
You will need
the matrix A4.31
Diary of demos shown on Feb. 11.
You will need the scripts:
- dfs.m DFS script
- ex01.m This is the matlab script for 1st part of Exercise 01
- Lmat1 This is the matrix used in the example
- TopSort.m Topological sorting algorithm
Diary of demos shown on Feb. 6.
You will need the scripts:
Diary of demos shown on Feb. 4.
You will need the scripts:
- assmbl1.m trivial FEM assembly script
- hdis.m A small example on half a circular region
Diary of demos shown on Jan. 28.
- Matrix for the example in Page 1-35 of set 1 of Lecture notes.
Bmat.mat [ A small sample sparse matrix. ]