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CSci 2041, Spring 2020
Advanced Programming Principles
Guidelines for the Use of the Discussion Forums

Piazza is an electronic medium for providing support for courses. While it offers a few different services, we will be using it only for conducting course-related discussions outside the classroom. Its usefulness in this context will depend on the enthusiastic participation of each one of us. We should note, however, that we can also inadvertently degrade its utility if we do not pay attention to how we use it. To avoid this possibility, I have put together a few suggestions that you should read before you actually start using Piazza for class discussions. These guidelines elaborate in a way specific to this course on the other information that Piazza provides you, so please do read them even if you think you already understand how to use the medium.

Last modified: Jan 18, 2020. Page maintained by ngopalan atsign umn dot edu.

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