The AIMA code is written for different programming languages. The ones we will use are lisp or python You can choose the one you prefer.
Details on using the python software
python3 -m doctest -v *.pyThe "-v" is optional; it means "verbose". Various output is printed, but if all goes well there should be no instances of the word "Failure", nor of a long line of "". If you do use the "-v" option, the last line printed should be "Test passed."
Details on using the Lisp software
(load "aima.lisp") (aima-load 'agents) ; loads the agents subsystem (aima-load 'search) ; loads the search subsystem (aima-compile 'agents) ; compiles the agents subsystem (aima-compile 'search) ; compiles the search subsystem (test 'search) ; tests the functions in the search subsystem (test 'agents) ; tests the functions in the agents subsystemWhen I did this part, using CLISP, I got a couple of error messages in the file agents/environments/wumpus.lisp, since kill is a system defined macro and should not be redefined. CLISP allows you to continue. If you have trouble with it, you can change all the occurrences of kill to something else. I also got a warning about redefining agent-body, but the program compiled fine.
(test 'search) ; tests the functions in the search subsystemCheck that there are no errors (look at the last line printed).
% script > output.txt