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(Last revised 12/29/2018)
Read this document carefully: it explains the structure and policies of the class, and we will assume that you know and understand all of the information contained here.
Meeting time and place:
Lecture (010): 4:00pm - 5:15pm, Tuesday and Thursday,
Bruininks Hall 220.
Name | Nathan Taylor | | |
Office | Keller Hall 6-199 |
For instructor and TA office hours, see the
Office Hours page on the website.
Class website:
This website is the primary source of information for the Evening (010) section of 2011. The
Canvas site for the class serves three purposes:
Email Use: Most emails for the class should be sent to:
This alias will forward your message to the instructor and all of the TAs. Make sure to use Reply All
when participating in an email conversation using the alias, so that all of the course staff can
continue to provide input.
The exception to this is grading complaints. If you are emailing us because you think your
Assignment was graded incorrectly, then you don't need to email the alias, just email the TA who
graded you and CC me ( I will not interfere in a grading dispute unless the TA is
clearly wrong or not following the grading guidelines I gave them for the problem, so this is mostly
between you and the TA. Below are the TA's emails:
Ruyuan Wan:
Eric Liu:
Tom Gebhart:
Nimer Wazwaz:
Sylvia Wu:
Devon Tuma:
Naman Sogani:
Huilin Zhang:
General course description: The course objective is to learn the mathematical foundations necessary for a wide variety of fields within Computer Science.
Topics covered: Foundations of discrete mathematics. Sets, sequences, functions, big-O, propositional/predicate logic, proof methods, counting methods, recursion/recurrences, relations, trees/graph fundamentals.
Pre-requisites: MATH 1271 or MATH 1371
Text: Rosen: Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications 7th edition. ISBN-13: 978-0073383095
Grading: For all graded work, please address any concerns within one week of receiving the grade. After one week, no adjustments will be made. The grade breakdown for the course is as follows:
Assignments (14 of them, lowest 2 dropped) 48% Quizzes (7 of them, lowest 1 dropped) 30% Recitations (14 of them, lowest 2 dropped) 12% In-class Exercises (47 of them, lowest 7 dropped) 10%
Final grades will be assigned based the following scale:
93.0% -- 100.0% A 90.0% -- 93.0% A- 87.0% -- 90.0% B+ 83.0% -- 87.0% B 80.0% -- 83.0% B- 77.0% -- 80.0% C+ 73.0% -- 77.0% C 70.0% -- 73.0% C- 67.0% -- 70.0% D+ 60.0% -- 67.0% D 0.0% -- 60.0% F
Grades will not be rounded. For S/N grading, a satisfactory grade (S) requires a grade of 70.0% or above. Note that there is no Final Exam.
In-class Exercises:
Scholastic conduct:
First, here is the departmental policy on Academic Dishonesty.
Where my policy differs or further specifies the department's:
1. You are permitted to use course material without citing: this includes lecture slides, the assigned textbook, anything from your discussion sections, and any additional material I post online for THIS iteration of CSCI 2011 (you can't use material from previous semesters). This is just to avoid having to cite the textbook for every other problem.
2. I consider actively searching for a current Assignment problem on the internet to be Academic Dishonesty. This isn't actually enforceable, but it inevitably leads to other sorts of Academic Dishonesty when you attempt to use that material.
3. If you submit a solution that you do not understand because it came from an outside source, that is Academic Dishonesty, because it is not an accurate representation of your own knowledge of the content. This can include trying to paraphrase a solution you found on the internet to avoid directly copying.
4. I'm not going to even try to enforce 6(b): Revealing or hinting to another student all or part of the essential idea(s) or solution architecture or design needed to be invented to solve any part of or all of an active grade-related assignment. Ultimately, this happens all of the time in office hours because it's just way too inefficient to insist on ensuring that only one student can hear you at a time. You're free to discuss general ideas so long as you don't actually share answer write-ups on the Assignments.
University policies:
Grade definitions from the Administrative Policy
Make up work for legitimate absences
Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Stalking and Relationship Violence
Equity, Diversity, Equal Employment Opportunity, and Affirmative Action
Incompletes: will be given only in very rare instances when an unforeseeable event causes a student who has completed all the coursework to date to be unable to complete a small portion of the work (typically the final assignment or exam). Incompletes will not be awarded for foreseeable events including a heavy course load or a poorer-than-expected performance. Verifiable documentations must be provided for the incomplete to be granted, and arrangements for the incomplete should be made as soon as such the unforeseeable event is apparent.
Disability Accommodations: We desire to make learning rewarding and fun for all students and make every attempt to accommodate anyone who has a desire to learn. If you require special classroom or test-taking accommodations, you need to contact the University Disability Services and also notify the instructor as soon as possible at the start of the semester (no later than 1 week prior to the first quiz).
Students Mental Health and Stress Managment: As a student you may experience a range of issues that can cause barriers to learning, such as strained relationships, increased anxiety, alcohol/drug problems, feeling down, difficulty concentrating and/or lack of motivation. These mental health concerns or stressful events may lead to diminished academic performance or reduce a student's ability to participate in daily activities. University of Minnesota services are available to assist you with addressing these and other concerns you may be experiencing. You can learn more about the broad range of confidential mental health services available on campus via