University of Minnesota
Machine Architecture and Organization (sec 010)

CSci 2021 Lab 0xd

Today's lab is a reprise of the style of problems from lab 0x4 and project 2, but with puzzles specifically chosen to be related to but different from puzzles from the project. We've chosen them to be different enough that we're OK with you spoiling the answers to these puzzles by discussing them with classmates or the TAs.

  1. (Lab Setup)

    You can get the handout using the command

    cp /web/classes/Spring-2020/csci2021/labs/0xd/lab0xd-handout.tar.gz .

    or you can download it from here . Once you have your handout downloaded to one of the cselabs machine, eg:, unzip the handout using the command

    tar -xvzf lab0xd-handout.tar.gz

    Use the command, make to compile the code. Verify that an executable btest is created.

  2. (Solving the Puzzles)

    For this lab there are five puzzles, but you can work on them in whatever order you want:

    • isLessTen is similar to isNonNegative and isLowercase from the project.
    • floatAbsVal is a very simple floating-point puzzle.
    • satMul2 is similar to satUMul3 from the project.
    • floatDigit2Float is similar to floatUChar2Float from the project.
    • floatPlusOne is a challenging floating-point puzzle. You should probably save it for last, unless you've found the rest of the project too easy.