Machine Architecture and Organization (sec 010)
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- May 11th, 2020: The review session
slides are available now.
- April 17th, 2020: The solutions
to the second midterm are now available.
- April 6th, 2020: The solutions
corresponding to the previously-posted sample midterm 2 are now
also available.
- April 3rd, 2020: A sample of midterm 2 from fall 2018, which was
the basis for today's practice online midterm, is now available in
PDF (including one extra question that was not in the practice).
- March 13th, 2020: Lectures, labs, and office hours will
be held online until further notice. See the "Zoom" tab on the
course Canvas page to join these online events via the Zoom
teleconferencing app.
- March 11th, 2020: Consistent with the campus-wide policy
announced this afternoon, the regular lecture on Monday March 16th
will not be held, and course activities starting from Wednesday
March 18th will be held online.
- February 28th, 2020: Monday's
midterm and its
solutions are
now available.
- February 21st, 2020: The solutions corresponding to the
spring 2016
and fall 2018
sample midterms are now available.
- February 19th, 2020: In light of the CSE Labs outage
that occurred this afternoon, we have extended the submission
deadline for Project 1 by 24 hours. You can now get full credit
for submissions until Thursday night 2/20 at 11:59pm.
- February 19th, 2020: Samples of first midterms from
spring 2016
and fall 2018
are now available.
The fall 2018 midterm is closer to this semester's topic coverage.
- January 21st, 2020: There will be lab
sections in the first week, on Wednesday 1/22, even though
they fall before the first lecture.
- January 21st, 2020: We recommend, though do not require,
that you get a paper edition of the required textbook. This is
because tests will be open-book but not allow electronics.
- January 21st, 2020: Course webpage launched. Welcome to
2021 for spring 2020. This web page is for the 010 lecture section,
i.e. the 3:35 lecture taught by Prof. Stephen McCamant. If you are
looking for information about the other sections taught by Dr. Kauffman,
please see his site here.