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Class Hours
Lecture: MW2:30-3:45pm in Tate 105
Introduction to Machine Learning; by Ethem Alpaydin (3rd ed) 201?.
Instructor: Prof. Daniel Boley,
Office: KHKH room 6-209
Phone: 612-625-3887
Office Hours: MW 4-5pm (right after class)
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TA: Xinyan Li
Office: KHKH 2-209
Office Hours: TTh 1-2pm
TA: Tatiana Lenskaia
Office: KHKH 2-209
Office Hours: M 10-11, F 12-1
Assignment Plan (not in order)
If the number of exams and/or assignments changes, the relative weights will
be adjusted.
General Information
Neural networks, non-parametric windowing, and Bayes statistical
theory are three popular methods for recognizing and classifying
patterns - the process of Pattern Recognition.
These are the basic machine learning algorithms applicable to
high-dimensional numerical data.
We introduce the
fundamental concepts of these various approaches, including the
classification phase and the learning phase. Part of the class
will be devoted to methods for unsupervised learning and
classification. We assume just some knowledge of elementary
statistics, calculus, and elementary linear algebra at the upper
division undergraduate level. A combination of written
assignments and programming projects will be used to
illustrate the concepts. Most if not all programming will be done in
Matlab, which includes extensive on-line introductory
material for those unfamiliar with it.
TOPICS by week
Students will be expected to implement several of the algorithms on a digital computer in MATLAB and they should be familiar with basic programming techniques, as well as being able use the help system in MATLAB. Students should also be acquainted with the basic concepts in linear algebra and probability, though some of this will be reviewed during the course.
All items handed in to be graded must represent the individual effort of whoever's name(s) appears on the item. At a minimum, violators of this policy will fail the course and/or will have their names recorded at the appropriate University or Department office. Mutual discussion of each individual's results in the homeworks is encouraged, as long as the results themselves represent individual efforts. Some assignments will be done by pairs of students; such items should be handed in as a single item listing the names of all participants. To pass the course, you will have to achieve a passing grade on the exams alone, and do satisfactorily on the homeworks. After any graded item is first handed back, you have at most one week to ask about the way it was graded.
You should also be aware of the following University-wide policies:
Late submissions: Homeworks will be accepted up to two working days after the due date with a deduction of 5% of the total grade per day, but before the answers have been posted, which ever occurs first. Classroom exercises handed in outside of class will receive only half credit and will be accepted only the same day by e-mail. Students signing up for the class during the first two weeks of the semester must hand in missed classroom exercises during the day of their first attendance. These deadlines may be extended for excused absences on a case-by-case basis, but only for a limited number of occurences.